Monday, January 2, 2017


January 1, 2017, as I was waking up from a nap with my 1 year old son around 1pm, and realizing I was, yet again, still in my pajamas, teeth unbrushed, hair a mop of wavy crazies, I decided to make a new year resolution right then and there:  to not wear my pajamas as much as I have in 2016.

First of all, my pjs are not sexy in the slightest.  They are practical, warm, and pretty dorky.  My mom gets me a new pair every Christmas, and I love them.  But in 2016, I would say I wore them about...85% of the time.  I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.  I really thought about this, and 85% feels pretty accurate.  What can I say?  I'm a creature of comfort, and when I'm breastfeeding throughout the day, and hanging around the house, I want to be in comfy, clean, snuggly clothes!  But something's gotta give.  It's amazing how good it feels to put on my 'going out' bra, pants that actually reveal the shape of my leg, shoes.

My second resolution is to be a better wife.  I've been all about being 'Mom' last year.  My poor husband's been pretty left out of the mix.  He's been extremely patient and gracious to let me pour all of my love and affection into our son while he's up in the rafters, alone, waiting for some more one-on-one time with his wife (and I'm not talking sexually.  I'm just talking, basic, best friend hanging out time).

My third resolution is to keep posting here, and sharing all my foibles with you in hopes to help you in some way if you're first time preggers and/or first time mom.

Happy 2017 to everyone!!!

☆ Mama P

P.S.  If you haven't checked out Mother Mag yet, I highly recommend it!  I love it.  It reminds me that I'm not just a mom, I'm a woman.  It feels good to remember that.  Here's to being a mom-woman in 2017!


  1. I was the same way with all of my kids and didn't really connect with reality until they were 1 and a half or so hahaha. Pat yourself on the back for breastfeeding (it's so much work/love/sacrifice) and for putting an effort into your marriage (balancing parenthood and relationships is an ongoing struggle for me too). I love that you're blogging again. Can't wait to read more!

    1. It's so nice to hear that we're not alone in these things! I hear you on breastfeeding and the balance of parenthood and relationships. That's for real. Thank you for sharing and for reading!

  2. I love your New Years resolution and I totally get you. I'm a full time mom of two boys and as a wife I can relate to you, a few weeks ago I was talking with my husband while doing laundry, most of my clothes were pjs and I told him that I have my "day" pajamas and my night pajamas. By the way, congratulations on your blog, I've been listening your music since 2008, in 2014 my first son was born and I sang to him your some of your songs (leave the light on, good day, austronaunt, etc) and I almost cried when I found your newest album. I loved it.

    1. Aw!! That is the sweetest compliment!!! To have a mom sing her baby my songs --ah! Thanks for all your support -- and I'm glad I'm not the only mom in pj's 24/7! I'm trying to "upgrade" to sweats, at least! ha!

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  5. Love reading your posts! I hope for some more!

  6. Hey Priscilla,
    So great to read the articles. Thanks! You couldn't have said it more perfect--" reminds me that I'm not just a mom, I'm a woman. It feels good to remember that. " when i had my first child, it was all about him and it was about time i realized, im not just a mom. Im a woman . but to feel, see and realize it took a while innermost being. :) take cares. Congrats to 2nd!!!
